Inconsistent Practices

Inconsistent practices are activities conducted by Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) program participants that are not consistent with the SFI Standard.  Local SFI implementation committees maintain the primary responsibility for receiving SFI program related complaints and determining if they warrant investigation and ensuring credible responses are provided.
SFI Participants may be contacted directly to report any forestry activity that does not appear to comply with the SFI Standard.  Individuals may also contact the Central Canada SIC which will forward valid complaints to the appropriate SIC member for follow up.
The Central Canada SIC will facilitate communication and provide guidance to ensure thorough follow-up for all SFI complaints.  Corrective actions, when necessary, are the responsibility of SFI program participants based upon their internal company policies.

Please report practices that you feel are inconsistent with our principles to:
Chris Bodnar and Steve Young, CCSIC Inconsistent Practices Coordinators
using the contact form below.